Your personal loan calculator. Shape your future with the right loan for you
Personal Loan Repayment Calculator
Loan Criteria
- Minimum – K2,000
- Maximum – K50,000
- Loan Terms – 8 to 78 fortnights.
- NF Lending terms & conditions apply.
Requirements for new customers
- Fully completed loan application form.
- Confirmation letter of employment.
- Last two pay slips not less than 30 days old.
- Valid Identification Card (Superfund, DL, NID, Work).
- Current bank statement. An ATM mini statement is also acceptable.
- Other finance companies current loan statements for refinancing or consolidation of debts.
Requirements for Existing Customers
- Fully completed loan application form.
- Last two pay slips not less than 30 days old.
- Valid Identification Card (Superfund, DL, NID, Work).
What type of Personal Loan are you looking for?
New Personal Loan
Consolidation Loan
Same Deduction Loan
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Be one of our success stories
"National Finance granted me a School Fee loan that has enabled me to subsidize school fees and other much needed utilities for my children. I did not face any issues/delays during the application processing time and was truly satisfied with their service. Thank you National Finance for supporting my children’s education needs."
Mathias Martin, Maintenance Supervisor, Port Moresby
"As a teacher in one of the remotest villages in the Rigo District of Central Province, obtaining financial services is a struggle. The geographical landscape almost makes it impossible to connect with the nearest station and town. National Finance with it’s office on wheels brought their financial services to our doorstep in December 2023. Their mobile lending services allowed me to apply for a loan to assist with my holiday expenses."
Lillian Kwalimu, Teacher, Rigo, Central Province
"Your service is excellent and always a convenient and fast processing to accessing funds urgently, unlike other financial institutions."
Sefarana Tamara Bore, Senior Migration Officer, Port Moresby, NCD
"The loans officer helped me a lot and was very understanding of my situation. I wish more finance company would be like NF."